Thursday, June 23, 2011

life as of now.

Life after DTS has been a challenge. Self motivation, seeking future plans, continually relying on God...those are some subjects I have been dealing with. I arrived home and was faced with a lot of change. My family is growing, and everyone that was around always seemed to be busy. I had to entertain myself a lot and it really showed me I have to make my own happiness. I also have to rely on God through the rough patches.

Relationships have been a large portion of what I have been learning this past year, and once again, once at home - I was faced with this challenge. I have sought God for a lot, but need to rely on Him instead of my own thoughts. YWAM has challenged me and I am now looking into a secondary school with them. It is called SBS (School of Biblical Studies) and is a minimal nine month course of intensive studies and discussion on the Bible. I believe this will strengthen my faith and give me confidence to share more of the good news with my loved ones and others I encounter. I was faced with the decision of studying in Montana this September, or Taiwan this next March. I have been praying about which school, and how that would effect some circumstances at home. Now, as I was about to finish submitting the forms for Montana, they informed me their school is full. Looks like Taiwan is a bit clearer for now. I will also be able to travel back to Thailand for a bit if I head to Taiwan. It would be wonderful to visit all of my friends I have made from my DTS outreach there.

Now, as I am home in Illinois, I ponder what it is God has planned for me next. I am currently living with my sister, brother-in-law, and my beautiful 4.5 month old niece, Olivia. I am her babysitter Monday-Friday, and living here in Chicago with them has been such a blessing to me.

I pray that God will really show me the next step, and in the mean time, to become involved in other areas here in Chicago. I want to soak in as much as I am able and be obedient to my Father above.

Your prayers would be appreciated :)

Thank you all.

Catherine Marie

Saturday, January 22, 2011

every little glance.

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
“Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’ “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’ “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’ “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Matthew 25:1-13

God is such a beloved Father. He sees my heart, he wants me. He wants to discipline me because I am his beloved daughter. What father doesn't discipline their child? He has promised me so many things and I just want to follow him. God has been so good to me. This whole time during DTS, he has revealed so much. There are many things I discovered about my life that I never realized. There are things that have been brought to the surface which I would have never thought about the same way. He knows exactly what I need, I just need to listen.
Living in Thailand this past month, I have seen more of his great love. The love he has for his people in Thailand is so big. He is breaking my heart because his is broken. Seeing this nation, only 1% Christian, brings such a spiritual heaviness to this place. God wants to restore his children. Now I am in Phuket, and seeing these women standing on the streets, wanting a wealthy man to come and sweep them off their feet...they want to be loved. It is our job as Jesus' disciples to share his love. I carry his authority, and want to flood these streets with that. These women are beautiful, truly beautiful. It's heart breaking seeing them selling themselves in order to make an income. My heavenly father weeps for them. This nation needs restoration!

Here are lyrics to a song, Way You Move Me, by Cory Asbury. This song reveals God love and grace for his children. I suggest listening to it...but here are the lyrics. I am always deeply moved when I listen to this.


Do you know the way you move me? I see every time you laid down those other things for me, I see every time you seek my face beloved one. I see every movement of your heart towards me, I do. I see every little movement of your heart towards me. Though you're weak my beloved, I see your love, I see your love.

And though it's small my beloved, I see your heart, I see your love. And though it ain't much my beloved one, I see the way that you want me, that you need Me, that you've gotta have Me, I see it. I see every little desire, every little passion, every little piece of hunger, every little thing, I see it all.

Nothing goes unseen from My eye, nothing goes unseen from My gaze. Every time you look towards Me, I see it, EVERY TIME you stare at Me I see it, I see your love, how small it may be I see it all my beloved one. Every time you look My way I see it, every time you stare at me I see it. Though it feels a little weak sometimes, though it feels a little broken sometimes, I see every second, every little glance, every little glance my way, I see it, I see it, I love it, I love it, I love you just the way you are, I love you, I love you, listen my beloved one. Every little glance towards me, I see it. Every little time you look at me I see it. Every movement of your heart, every movement of your heart, I see it.

Do you know the way you move Me? Do you know the way you move Me? Do you know? Do you know the way you undo My heart My beloved? I love every sacrifice you've made, every time you say no one cares, I see it. Do you know the way you move Me?

You're beautiful just the way you are. You're beautiful My love, My dove, My favorite one, My joy, I love you right where you are, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. I'll never stop, I'll never stop! I'm so in love with you, my bride, I'm so in love with you my favorite one. With every single little glance, with every movement of your will, with every decision that you've made, I'm undone. I love you with an everlasting love, I love you with an everlasting love. I'm not disappointed in you, I'm not angry with you. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. So don't hide your face from me, I'll break off shame, I'll break off condemnation, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone, you're free. You've ravaged me, I'm undone, I'm not disappointed, I'm not angry, I'm in LOVE with you! You've ravaged me, I'm in love with you.

Do you know how you've caught my eye in the secret place where you chose to die? Where you chose to lay it all down, where you chose to follow me, where you chose to take up that cross day after day after day after day. You've ravaged my heart, you have. Just one glance of your eye, just one. My heart it's undone every time you look at me. Everyday that you don't give up, that you don't let go, that you don't look down, my heart it's undone, my heart it's ravaged.

Do you know the way you move Me? Do you know the way you move Me?

I saw when you gave it all up. I did. I saw it when you gave it all up. You passed up opportunity after opportunity just to seek me, just to find me, just to love me a little longer, I saw it. And it moved my heart. Don't think those little sacrifices go unnoticed. Don't think those little times go unnoticed, when you think I'm not looking at you. I saw it, I saw when you gave up everything to follow me, I did. I did and I'm pleased, and I'm proud, and I'm not mostly disappointed, and I'm not mostly mad, and I'm not mostly sad, and I'm happy with you and I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. My beloved one.

Do you know the way you move Me? Do you know the way you move Me?

I saw it when you left your friends behind, and I saw it when you left your family behind, and I saw it when you gave up everything just to follow me, just so you could love me a little bit more. I saw it when you left your friends behind, and I saw it when you left your family behind, and I saw it when you gave up everything, when you let go of everything just to find me, I saw it. I'm pleased and I'm proud. I love you, thank you! It really means something to Me that you did it all. It really means something to me that you gave it all up, that you gave it all up, and it's not for nothing, I'll meet you there in the longing. It's not for nothing, it's not for nothing, it's not for nothing. I saw it, I saw it.

Do you know the way you move Me? Do you know the way you move Me?

I saw it when you took the narrow road, I saw it when you took the road less traveled, I saw it when you took that narrow road, it's a little bit lonely sometimes, I saw it. I saw it when you left your friends behind and took that narrow road of love. I saw it. I saw it. I saw it. I love you, and I love you. I love you. I see your HEART, and I SEE YOUR HEART! That you want Me, I see it.I see it. I see it.”

-Cory Asbury "Way You Move Me"

Friday, December 31, 2010


Happy New Year to my beloved friends & family!

Two weeks in Thailand now...

I hope you're keeping up with my teams blog!
I'm sharing a lot about our experiences & some pictures!

This New Year's Eve was an unforgettable one. Here at Abba House we have another YWAM team from Sunshine Coast, Australia staying with us. We were able to bring in the new year with them and our new family here at Abba House. Last night we celebrated by playing some ridiculous games (but of course fun), singing, dancing, worship, skits, and thai lanterns!

Read about more on our teams blog: !


Sunday, December 19, 2010

home sweet home. thailand.

Swaddee kha! [Hello in Thai!]

Outreach has officially begun! My team has traveled Asia to finally arrive in Thailand! We are keeping another blog in order to be able to connect as a team and share some photos. This other blog will be able to keep you updated about what I'm doing in Thailand.

Please follow my team as we continue our journey!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My beautiful family & friends,

Life in Kona has been such a blessing. Each week I never know what God has in store, and he always surprises me with something new. I have been learning a lot of valuable information from the speakers every week, but God has been meeting me in ways I've never experienced before. His love is so big. He has called me to this season in my life so that I can focus on him and prepare my heart for the plan he has for me. I'm not sure what God is calling me to yet, but I don't need to worry about that. He has the best intentions for me and I need to rest in that. He wants my eyes this season, and need to find complete peace in just running after his heart.

Dance has been a huge subject that continues to be brought up. I believe God is calling my past passions and encouraging me to step back into them. Dancing and playing the cello have been two hobbies I used to love. Ever since college I have stopped pursing any past hobbies. Since I've been on my DTS, God has been placing people in my life who have been speaking to me about dance and has been giving visions to others about me pursuing more. I am going to try and get back into my previous passions and instead of fearing man, I am going to dance for the Lord and use it as a way of worship. He has uniquely made me and every single person exactly how he intended. We are unique and not to be compared. He has set passions in our hearts. When we desire something and use it for the positive, God sees those desires and gives them to us. He knows our hearts and loves to see his children's passions lived out.

Another thing that has been on my heart is the sex trafficking industry. Considering I am going to Thailand in a month (December 13) I have been researching more about the industry & watched a movie called "Human Trafficking." It's such a demand in our world because of the simple decisions we make daily. This generation needs to stand up for purity and not settle for anything less because our 'enjoyment' leads to someone else's slavery. The demand for pornography leads to desires that end up causing people to not settle for anything less than the physical desire which leads to the demand of young girls & children being tricked into this sex slavery. It is disgusting because this is reality. It's our simple daily decisions that effect others and our choice to live simply so that others simply may live. I desire for God to give me the heaviness of his heart. I want to feel the burden he feels when he looks at his children and pains for them. This will cause us to move to action.

Please be praying for my Thailand team as we prepare for this mission God has called us to. Please pray for these young women and children, pray for the brothel owners, for the men who support this business. Pray for their hearts and that our God, our transformational God, will heal their hearts and have Holy Spirit consume them and bring them to know Jesus.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

in case any of you wanted to know my mailing address for support or packages....

here it is!

Catherine Willis
75-5851 Kuakini Highway
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
96740-2199 USA
Justice DTS


Hi everyone :)

I have great news! Yesterday we found out where we will be heading for outreach in December. My DTS had a school meeting and in order to discover which outreach team/location we'd be going with they had us go on a scavenger hunt. It was night by this time, so we had to run around the campus in the dark and find clues which finally lead us to our future teammates and outreach location. My friend Abbie and I were on the same scavenger hunt team...and soon found out we were also on the Thailand team together!! The whole Thailand team consists of 8 beautiful women I'll be going with and our lovely leader, Jackie. We will be a team of 9 girls headed to Bangkok sometime around mid December! We met up with the rest of the team in our campus cafe and they treated us with thai tea, cheesecake, & raspberries with chocolate. mmm!

For this trip we will fly into Bangkok and spend time there. We will be also be starting near the North of Thailand and getting to know some of the families who have daughters, sisters, etc. involved with the sex slavery. We will then work our way down to work with girls who have just been rescued from the sex trafficking industry. Also, we will be on the streets and seeing the night life that occurs in Thailand. It will be a challenge, and it will be a lot to see, but God will give us all grace from what we see in order to go serve and love his people and to make him known.

Our Thailand team will be having small group every week starting next week in order to bond and prepare our hearts for what God wants us to do. There is not too much planned yet, but God will lead us where he wants us.

There will be more news to come!